Envirocort Technologies is committed to the rehabilitation of underground infrastructure with a special focus on the renewal of water and wastewater systems. With our sites on healthier environments and stronger communities, Envirocort is paving the way with the continual development of new technologies to accomplish this vision. Envirocort’s premier product offering – the Poly-Triplex Lining System—is the preferred product for renewing manholes and other underground structures that have significant loss of structural integrity and/or groundwater infiltration. Using Cured-In-Place technology, Poly-Triplex Lining Systems have been installed-defect free in over 10,000 manholes and other underground structures for more than a decade for about 400 public utilities and industrial clients.
Manholes exposed to corrosive atmospheres can result in severe deterioration, in some instances, near or total collapse. Repairing these structures can be expensive, time-consuming and complicated, especially when they are located in high-traffic areas.