Severe deterioration
Dynamic planning for comprehensive wastewater rehabilitation project engineered by The Wooten Company –
Mr. Dan Boone, Project Manager
Town of La Grange, North Carolina
La Grange, North Carolina
Severe deterioration of the town’s sewer system called for a comprehensive rehabilitation project that included permanent rehabilitation of 224 manholes and 6 pump stations as well as slip-lining of sewer lines, service lateral replacements, sewer line replacement and upgrades to lift stations.
The Town of La Grange contracted with a Poly-Triplex Certified Installer to complete the manhole and pump station portion of the project. The Poly-Triplex Liner System was used to completely seal off infiltration and provide an impervious water, chemical and sewer gas resistant liner to stop future deterioration.
The Town of La Grange has chosen to rehabilitate its system in a permanent and comprehensive manner rather than look for cheap short-term quick fixes that have not worked in the past. Infiltration levels have been significantly reduced and deterioration of their system virtually halted.
Upper Left: Poly-Triplex Liner is being lowered into place and will be cured-in-place via air pressure and steam heat injection.
Upper Right: Poly-Triplex Liner System has been installed and pump station placed back into service after only 24 hours.
Mr. Dean Gaster states in The Tarheel Pipeline, “Our hats off to those involved in securing funding for a project of this magnitude as well as those responsible for pulling it all together. The La Grange wastewater collection system should be top-of-the-line and tight as a drum when this dynamic undertaking is completed sometime this year.”